After Birju, Satya's husband, is lost in a ship wreck at sea, her sisters-in-law treats her as a widow, starve her, and force her to do hours of grueling housework. Little does Satya know that Birju has been put under a spell by Laksmi, Sita and Parvati and has forgotten about Satya in the arms of a beautiful girl on a tropical island. In this song, Satya pleads to Santoshi Ma for the return of her husband in the movie, "Jai Santoshi Ma."

Satya Pleads For Santoshi Ma's Grace

Accept my humble fast O Mother

I am caught in midstream
Steer my boat ashore

In your court I sit in hope
Why must your child weep so in a cruel world
Change the course of my destiny
Perform this miracle

I am caught in midstream
Steer my boat ashore

All doors are closed to me
All paths are strewn with thorns
If you so desire it, I can be saved

O Ma, save me from the raging fire of this sorrow
Change the wind of misfortune
O Ma, bring back my love to me
Shower this ill-fated soul with some of your affection

I am caught in midstream
Steer my boat ashore

Hear Satya Plead to Santoshi Ma

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