The relationship between Radha and Krishna is the example of the highest and purest love, an indissoluble union of the highest intermingling and completion; it is also a love expressed through music. Music underlines the illicit relationship; this love,shadowed by secrecy, adultery and scorn, finds its outlet in Krisna's charming and passionate musical talents.

Radha is married or involved with someone else, a "dumbskull," as she describes him, and still cannot resist Krishna's musical call. In being with him she risks social censure, alienation and humiliation. Riddled with shame and inappropriateness, this is hardly a relationship that purportedly embodies the highest union of pure love, at least one that can be celebrated innocently and publicly. Therefore the two must celebrate in secret; at night, beneath the cover of darkness and the forest. In some senses, It is no coincidence that this pair express their love through music. Music becomes the voice of their illicit love which is too passionate, and secretive, for words.

Krisna is the cosmic musician who woo's the gopi's with his tunes. Rudyar calls the notes issued by Krisna's flue "avatars of forces of nature;" sounds so powerful that they embodied the energy of the cosmos. It should be no surprise, then, that Krisna's flute had the power to woo women wherever he went. His beauty, charm and musical skill impassion women everywhere; at the sound of his flute playing, the gopis "jump up in the middle of putting on their makeup, abandon their families while eating a meal, leave food to burn on the stove, and run out of their homes to be with Krisna. They are so distraught and frenzied as they rush to his side that their clothes and jewelry come loose and fall off."

This is the tie that binds he and Radha; erotic musical passion overrides the social and female responsibilities Radha is tied to and she relinquishes herself to her adulterous, but passionate, affair with Krisna.

The two links below lead to songs composed and performed for Radha and Krisna by Sheik Chinna Moulana from a CD called NADHASWARAM: Music of South India.

Krisna's song is perky, energetic and playful; the musicians have caputured the flirtatious character of the god in their musical portrait. The repeated melody which characterizes Krisna is very masculine and has a much harder tone than the song dedicated to Radha; Krisna's personality is audibly present in this song, as the musicians probably felt inspired by Krisna, perhaps even his presence as they played. The depiction of Krisna is a musical story, an expression of love and devotion towards the god the musicians worship.

Radha's song is very feminine; soft, smooth and melodic, one can hear the demure loveliness of the goddess captured in the music. The repeated melody signifies Radha's love for Krisna and comes to characterize her part in their relationship on the CD whenever it is played.

The repeated melodies in both songs symbolize Radha and Krisna's characters as they are depicted through music.

Radha's song

Krisna's song

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